Our mixed preschoolers had a great time making airplanes today! Check out our pictures below!

Limeade Stand
Earlier this week our mixed preschoolers had so much fun doing a limeade stand. They helped make the limeade, and then served it to our...

Ski School!!
Our preschoolers had their first day of ski/snowboard school today! Everything went well, and they had so much fun!

Black Bean Salsa
Our mixed preschool classroom had so much fun making a black bean salsa yesterday morning. They got to help chop and mix the ingredients....

Preschool Water Day!
Summer is finally here! The preschoolers had so much fun with their first water day of the season yesterday! Check out some of the...

Smokey the Bear Visit
Today our two preschool classes got a visit from Smokey the Bear! They learned learned about wildfire prevention, and how to keep our...

Soccer started this week for our two preschool classrooms! We are so lucky to have the opportunity to walk over to Walter Byron every...